Ahearn-Holtzman, Inc. offers complete construction management services which include pre- construction and construction services. Ahearn-Holtzman, Inc. has developed a solid Project Management System that integrates attention to detail at the project site and data processing procedures in the main office. These procedures allow Ahearn-Holtzman, Inc. to consistently monitor each phase of the project to maintain cost and schedule controls. These procedures are valuable operating tools to assess a project’s status and to isolate obstacles before they interfere with the orderly progress of your project.
Our Construction Management Services

Pre-Construction Services
Review all plans and specifications with respect to the project and advise on such matters relating to the plans and specifications as to the economy and construction expediency of systems and materials, costs of materials and components, union work rules and related union issues, schedule considerations and compliance with applicable statutes, ordinances and regulations.
Consult with and give professional advice to the Owner and Architect relative to planning and coordinating the project.
Prepare and develop construction cost estimates based upon schematic drawings, design development drawings and design criteria and advise on such cost matters relating to construction techniques, assembly details, availability of materials, product values and economies of systems.
Prepare and develop construction schedules with respect to the development of the design drawings to identify and qualify scheduling risks, assign scopes of work which must be expedited and establish critical path dates to achieve scheduled time frames.
Establish a comprehensive bidding program on all elements of the project, including pre-qualification of contractors based upon their experience, manpower, supervisory ability, financial capacity and advise the Owner on the implementation of bidding procedures.
Furnish cash flow forecasts and cost analyses as reasonably required by the Owner.
Assemble bid packages for the purpose of soliciting competitive bids and, with the assistance of the Architect, specify the scope of work for each contract bid, provide supplementary information needed for inclusion in the contract documents, and advise the Owner on such other matters as alternates to be requested in the bids, schedule implications and the interfacing of each contract.
Subject to the Owner’s prior approval, award contracts in Construction Manager’s own name, as the agent of the Owner, to procure or provide all labor, materials, equipment, services and other items necessary for the proper execution of the work and for the completion of the project in accordance with the plans and specifications.

Construction Services
Coordinate and provide general direction and supervision of the work.
Except as otherwise provided or directed by the Owner in writing, to obtain, or arrange for contractors to obtain, all required permits, licenses and certificates, including certificates of occupancy and prepare and give such notices as are legally required in connection with same.
Provide an office and furnishings at the site adequate for use by Construction Manager and contractors including toilets, trash removal, water and power for construction use.
Maintain an experienced and qualified project staff, including a supervisory staff at the site, for the management of the project and coordination of the work.
Conduct regularly scheduled job meetings as specified in the general conditions, among contractors, Owner and Architect.
Coordinate and inspect the work of the contractors and others performing work, or furnishing material, equipment or services for the project as same are being performed or furnished. Ascertain that the materials furnished and work performed are substantially in accordance with the contract documents and that the project is progressing substantially on schedule. In the event an interpretation of the meaning or intent of the contract documents or the plans and specifications becomes necessary during construction, the Construction Manager shall consult with the Owner and, at the Owner’s request, with the Architect, and advise the Owner of the proper interpretation of such documents.
Develop procedures, subject to the Owner’s reasonable approval, for coordination among the Owner, the Architect, Construction Manager, consultants, if any, and the contractors with respect to aspects of the project, and implement and administer such procedures.
Establish and maintain control procedures for all aspects of the work so as to prevent the installation of any work not in accordance with the contract documents and the plans and specifications; and suspend the work of any contractor upon any installation not in accordance with the contract documents and the plans and specifications; and report such information promptly to the Owner.
Establish safety and fire protection programs for the project; require contractors to submit descriptions of the methods and techniques for safety. Require compliance by all contractors with the provisions of the Federal Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) and all other applicable regulations. Cooperate with, and give support to, the safety representatives of insurance carriers providing coverage for the project.
Review labor availability, analyze types and quantity of manpower required for the project and forecast the availability thereof.
Develop and administer an effective labor relations program for the project to minimize labor disputes during construction and to promote equal employment opportunities for minority groups.
In coordination with the Owner, Architect and building management, establish and implement procedures to be followed for the processing of shop drawings, reviewing of catalogs and samples, and the scheduling of material requirements.
Establish lines, levels and bench marks for reference and use by the contractors, periodically verifying them and extending them as the work progresses so they will be reasonably accessible for the contractors’ use and for verifying the accuracy of contractors’ work.
Maintain equipment, material delivery and inventory records for materials, tools, equipment, machinery, and office furniture acquired and employed in performing the work.
Review applications by the contractors for extensions of time and schedule changes and make recommendations to the Owner and the Architect with respect thereto.
Implement the procedures for making changes in the work and subject to the Owner’s reasonable approval, negotiate costs pertaining to such changes and prepare and issue necessary change orders and field orders.
With respect to work performed on unit price or cost plus basis, maintain cost accounting records in accordance with generally accepted accounting procedures.
Keep written records of the progress of the project during all stages of planning and construction and submit monthly reports to the Owner setting forth the progress and cost of the project.
Determine the necessity for the institution of partial or complete default proceedings against contractors and, when authorized by the Owner, institute such proceedings, select alternate contractors, perform defaulted work and evaluate back charges or other penalties to be assessed against the defaulting contractor.
Review all applications by the contractors for progress payments and final payment, certify to the Owner whether the work was performed by the contractor in accordance with the contract documents, make recommendations to the Owner for approval or disapproval of such applications, and subject to such approval, make payments to the contractors.
Periodically inspect the project jointly with the Owner and the Architect, furnish a detailed report of observed deficiencies in the work performed by any contractor, prepare all necessary punch lists and expedite execution of same.
Collect and deliver to the Owner in an orderly fashion all guarantees, maintenance and operating manuals, parts lists, keying schedules and other data related to the project.
Maintain at the Construction Manager’s field office orderly files for correspondence, reports of job conferences, shop drawings, reproductions or originals of the contract documents and plans and specifications (including all addenda, change orders and supplemental drawings) and all other project related documents.
Maintain a daily field report describing work accomplished on each working day, the number of men employed at the site by each contractor, material deliveries, labor difficulties, weather conditions, visiting officials and affiliations, jurisdictional problems, observations in general and specific observations as required.
Maintain a current set of “as-built” drawings which, upon completion of the project, shall be turned over to the Owner.
Conduct the orderly and prudent salvage and disposal of unused and residual material, supplies and equipment so as to obtain the highest economic return.
Perform all work and services specified in the general conditions to be furnished by the Construction Manager in accordance with the General Conditions Cost Matrix.
Revise and refine construction cost estimates as construction proceeds and as required to incorporate approved changes to the project. Construction Manager shall advise the Owner whenever construction costs are expected to exceed estimated costs.
Our project team design, methodology, pre-construction and construction services combine to form the means of our team organization to observe, interpret and evaluate the complex information that develops during the planning and construction process in order to maintain schedule, cost and quality standards.